Every marketer’s dream is for strategies and initiatives to magically take off and become an overnight success.
Virality. Conversions. Unmistakability. Profit.
And now and then, a small action with little thought behind it will find that success. But the chances are slim.
Most times, it requires loads of effort to properly build up a movement that resonates and hooks audiences.
Lots of thought beforehand. Dialogue and interaction as the operation unfolds. Retargeting and accurate reach after it’s over.
Our tactics need to turn into full-fledged campaigns.
Keep scrolling to learn more about the three key stages in the process.
Marketing is everywhere.
Customers are constantly bombarded by ads, commercials, actions, events. Every aspect of their life counts with the inescapable presence of brands.
This saturation has made people less sensitive and permeable to messages. When you’ve already heard it all before, it’s easy to ignore.
This makes the conception stage of ideas all the more important.
To truly reach audiences, what we have to offer needs to be fresh. Different. Out of the box. Or, at the very least, tailored carefully to suit our target group –which also needs to be defined with precision– to a tee.

Campaigns might require planning months in advance. Lots of drafts. Starting over. Bringing in diverse talents and ideas. Compromise. Frustration.
But ensuring your efforts are meticulously planned and truly have something to bring to the table –based on data and research– can help you stand out from the crowd.
Don’t mistake planning for fixedness, though.
In an era where interaction makes the world go round, always leave space for users to find new purposes they can give to your content. Makes it stickier.
And if you’re dealing with events of any kind, make use of digital and non-digital channels to create awareness and promote them. No one wants an empty venue, right?
The time of release is crucial.
Whether we’re talking about a commercial airing, a pop-up opening, or an event taking place, everything has to be ready to wow audiences and receive all influx from them.
Events need to be interesting and engaging. Airings must be correctly timed and targeted, plus have all the information any consumer might need.
It has to be just right. Sometimes all it takes is just making sure every detail is taken care of.
If your campaign is meant for interaction and shared spaces, keep communication lines open and be there for attendees. Make sure they feel like a part of the brand and allow them to live an experience they’ll remember fondly.
The purpose of this stage is to nail the first impression.
You have something to say. So say it effectively. And ensure everything ties back to your brand.
We don’t want the crowd to get lost in the excitement and forget who’s behind all of it.
Set goals for this stage and work as hard as you can to reach them. And don’t forget to measure them! The data will be key for the following stage.
What comes after release is, perhaps, even more important than all the other parts.
Most campaigns don’t immediately lead to conversions. They often generate awareness and consideration, and just help people associate with the brand.
But that’s when data comes in.
These campaigns usually give you the information you need for follow-up efforts. Contacts. Leads. Navigation data. Email addresses. Or even just further understanding of users’ interests or behaviors.
This new knowledge has to be the cornerstone of your next step: reaching potential customers.

And it shouldn’t just be a one-action effort, such as email marketing.
There needs to be a plan where multiple departments reach out to the audience through different channels and with different aims.
It’s the time to use your digital platforms to repurpose the content from your campaign. Give people ways to relive it or check it out if they missed it. Have resources available for further information on your brand.
Campaigns don’t end after airing. It’s just the beginning.
Then, it’s up to you to squeeze all the juice out of them.
Lights, camera, action!
Nothing can assure a hit.
Even with the most detailed planning, the most flawless execution, and the most elaborated follow-up strategy, at the end of the day, luck plays a big part in success.
But by creating holistic, integral campaigns, you can sleep easy knowing that you did everything in your power to make the effort worthwhile.
And if it doesn’t work, get up and try again.
Plan ahead and generate awareness.
Design interactive, engaging, and unforgettable experiences.
And use the data to reach larger audiences.
If you’d like to hear more about the importance of campaigns from a CMO, check out this week’s episode of TOP CMO with Bruno Trimouille, CMO of Litera!
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