4 min
Sep 25, 2023

The collaborative accounting revolution: back to basics!

In the past couple of years, many accountants have fallen into a state of constant burnout. Offering all-in-one services to try to make themselves as useful as possible. Spending tedious amounts of time with mundane work that feels easy to automate. Having to manage dozens of software for separate tasks. Needing to pester clients for missing data. Dealing with a shortage in talent and being stretched thin.

Here’s how FreshBooks targeted all these issues with their Collaborative Accounting platform, according to Head of Accountant Channel, Twyla Verhelst.

Transparency and trust

FreshBooks aims to connect two traditionally separate silos: small-business owners with no visibility of their financial health, and accountants who have their work obstructed by a lack of data and communication. Through this platform, both can co-exist and work side by side in an environment where each side can see what the other does, understand the importance of what’s asked of them, and provide the data the other needs.

For accountants, this means having all pre-accounting work, including all the information the client must deliver, done effectively and on time. This, in turn, allows them to work efficiently and save time. For clients, it means ensuring their needs are satisfied as quickly as possible and having an accountant who’s now available to deliver other types of services.

Automatization and decluttering

Part of the more manual and mundane work accounting entails is taken care of by AI integrated into the service. Such a tool helps reduce the load, freeing up space in an already busy schedule to actually showcase your value as a professional and tailor the experience for each client. Business owners, too, can automate some of their processes, lightening their burden as well.

While technology can be useful, there’s a nuance to the human eye that cannot be matched. It’s all about making use of the power of tech, instead of fearing it. Thus, having an AI counterpart helps you prove how valuable the service you provide is, all while freeing up time to perfect your craft and become an even bigger asset.

A chance to refocus

Having extra hours to a day –now that the boresome tasks are being taken care of by automation– means you can pay more attention to honing an aspect of the job that perhaps had been relegated. Becoming an expert and making time to have meaningful conversations with clients is central to establishing long-term relationships.

By incorporating advisory services into your portfolio, you’re not only giving the client exactly what they’re looking for –most times they’re already seeking it externally– but also proving your worth and making yourself indispensable. Clients are satisfied, accountants feel fulfilled. FreshBooks provides you both with the time to do so and the transparency to ensure everyone understands the process.

Ease and noise reduction

Incorporating new software might sound flustering to the already fatigued accountant who needs multiple apps to work. FreshBooks, however, aims at reducing this weariness by actually condensing many of these tasks into it. That way, sure, you need to learn something new, but that will, in turn, prevent you from needing to know and remember dozens of log-ins, systems, and formats –plus no more wasting time hopping between programs–.

Moreover, the platform contains client-friendly aid tools. Certifications and training. Dedicated support of accounting and product experts. A community of collaborative accountants. These can facilitate the onboarding and guarantee a smooth transition.

Reviving the passion

FreshBooks targets accountants who need to get back to doing what they love, and who perhaps don’t know how to scale their services. Trying to be everything for the client can mean losing sight of what you love to do. With FreshBooks, you can become an expert, niching your services, and win back the time to unlock your best strategy by getting rid of inefficiencies. Don’t let the flame burn out, your best may be yet to come.

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